Setting up your own therapy business is an exciting thing to do and with a little help beforehand to help you avoid the common pitfalls that happen to a lot of therapists, you will soon be on your way to opening a successful business.
This book is both practical, realistic and inspiring. Gill Warren has written an easy to follow guide which anyone can follow.
Not everyone has the aptitude or attitude to set up in business on their own. Inexperience does not need to be a barrier, and reading books and doing some courses like this help to give you some of the knowledge and skills to set up and run a successful business.
In the first part of this book you will firstly do an exercise that is all about you. By undertaking this simple exercise you will understand more where your own strengths and weakness lay. You will then be led to discover why you want to go into business and what you expect from your business in exercise 2.
You will list down your strengths and knowledge in exercise 3 and understand more of and how to work with your weaknesses. By the first chapter you will have an action plan and be ready to move forward.
This book is one of the lowest and best investments you can make in your business. You will also be taught all the legal requirements and contacts you will need to set up and is must for anyone thinking of going it alone.
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