Welcome to our recommended reading guide

Here we recommend books that you may find helpful whilst studying holistic therapies or working as a trained therapist and healer.

Monday, 20 February 2012

A Message of Hope from the Angels

Having just read Lorna Byrnes latest book I can highly recommend this. As with all her books she writes beautifully. She writes with such honesty and truth that you just can't put this book down. If you have read Angels in My Hair, then you will love this. She also offers some inspiring short prayers that she has been given to pass on. She talks about how our angels are always with us and never leave us even for a moment and how we can connect with our angels and how to ask for their help no matter what for.

She has had the ability to see angels since she was a child and knows that although others do not see what she does that this will soon change in the future as our spirituality and connection is now speeding up. When you read this book you will learn that we are never on our own and how to look out for signs from the angels. This is her 3rd book and with each book she writes you just know there is such truth in her words.

Order from Amazon - You can also order this on Kindle