Welcome to our recommended reading guide

Here we recommend books that you may find helpful whilst studying holistic therapies or working as a trained therapist and healer.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Understand your dreams

Understand you dreams with this fantastic Ebook. "Have You Ever Wondered What Your Dreams
Mean? If So, This Could Be The Most Exciting
Letter You’ve Ever Read! Unlock The Power Of
Your Mind By Interpreting Your Dreams"

You Can Change Your Life Simply By Writing Down
What You Dream And Then Study What Your
Dream Images Are Trying To Tell You!

Are you like hundreds of other people out there who want to know what their dreams are telling them? Are you struggling with a problem and don’t know how to solve it? Do you have unresolved
issues and are unsure which way to go to tackle them?

Do you have a dream that you can't explain? Are you worried by a nightmare or concerned that a bad dream may be a portent of the future? Do you have a particularity nasty dream that keeps coming back to haunt you?

It's likely that your subconscious is trying to draw your attention to an unresolved issue that needs sorting out. Perhaps with a little help and guidance from this book, you could get to the bottom of
what it is that's behind the dream.

Believe it or not, your sub-conscious talks to you through your dream images. When you unlock the mystery of the dream world, you will gain an insight into yourself and your life that
you have never known! Our book “How to Interpret Your Dreams” will teach you how to open that knowledge and put it to use in your life.

This E-Book Provides A Wealth Of Information About
Your Dreams In One Neat Little Package! Not only that we include resale rights so you can sell this book on your own website or blog as many times as you wish.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Best holistic guide

If you like free stuff and I know we all do then check out this brilliant best holsitic guide, which has everything from free courses in feng shui, runestones, auras, chakras etc.....
Look at their recommended reading guide for holistic products and books.You can also get a copy of their free holistic guide worth £9.99 for free.

Check out their links page to see a list of holistic insurance cover and professional training schools. Have a look at a great selection of holistic guide books that you can resell on your own website or blog. You will own the full resale rights Ebook Store  Selection of books so you may resell your books as many times as you wish: -

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Don Miguel Ruiz

  Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz - A practical Guide to personal Freedom. 

I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It has been an inspiration to me since the day I first read it more than 5 years ago. Everyone I have told  about this book has been grateful for the recommendation, so I hope you are too. I even write the agreements in my diary every year and although it seems simple enough that there are only 4 to follow to ensure your life is full of peace and happiness, its a lot easier said than done, however the last agreement is the most important and tell you how you must never give up and keep trying, so I continue to try and perfect these 4 agreements and even though many times I fail I am certainly at least aware. 

This books speaks of a simple truth that we all know and as your turn each page you feel like you are re- connecting with something deep inside you that you have always known but simply  forgot. 

This book retails at £12.50 but you can get your copy here from as little as a fiver

Get your free Best Holistic Guide

The Power of Now

Book Review
The Power of Now by Ekhart Tolle's message is simple yet some people find this book hard to get to grips with, however this is usually people who have a hard job reading anything spiritual, so would only recommend this book for people who are already opening up to new possibilities and would like to understand what exactly being enlightened means.  His message is not original and has been mentioned in many spiritual teachings, however he makes his message quite simple and to the point.

Tolle's writes with enthusiasm and simplicity hence this makes an excellent manual for anyone who's ever wondered what exactly "living in the now" means. This book actually changed my whole way of thinking and left a deep impression long after its first reading. So much so that I then felt the need to buy his 2nd book.

Availability: Usually dispatched within 24 hours
Dispatched from and sold by Amazon.co.uk

77 new or used available from £1.44 - Order your copy

With his next book the Practising of Now, this really helps the first book come alive. With short extracts from the original it serves as an excellent reminder of how important it is to actually practice and keep living in the present moment. Quite often when we read a book that has an impact on us it will last for so long and then other things get in the way or other books have taken over our reading material and we forget the importance and reason why we were so impressed with reading the book in the first place. Keep a copy of this in your draw at work and make just reading a passage a day will help to ground you again and get you living back in the moment.

Oprah Winfrey - loves this  book
'The Power of Now can transform your thinking. The result? More joy, right now.'and she should know.

Availability: Usually dispatched within 24 hours
Dispatched from and sold by Amazon.co.uk

30 new or used available from £3.04 - order your copy here
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